Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cartoon Hotties (Bow-chicka-wow-wow!)

Sometimes I wish
I was Yu-Gi-Oh
(Google image search)
Because I would be attractive
And magical
Lots of people are attracted to cartoons.

It's a well-documented fact that people have lower hotness standards when they are smashed. I'm pretty sure there's even a Mythbusters episode about it. What a lot of people fail to realize is that the drunk goggles also work with the hotness level of cartoons.

But let's warm up with an example of real-life people first. First, people who I would have sexy time with completely sober:
Ohmygosh, I'm drooling all over myself!!! Okay, I would do these next people if you got me tipsy. Note that gender ceases to be deal-breaker.
It's like, I love you Jason Mraz,'re two mai tais short of Matt Damon. Now let's look at people who I would only do if I were completely sloshed.
I don't care how many tween girls and lonely middle-aged women think Rob Pattinson is hot- he's just icky. He's pasty, boring, stupid, terrible at acting, and you just know he's a miserable kisser. I mean look at his lips! Does he even have lips? But I guess I would still do him if I was drunk. Same with my truck-driving senator, Mr. Scott Brown, and with the mostly irritating but occasionally endearing Jack Black.

Still, no matter how drunk you get, there are limits to how low you will sink with your fuckery. I draw my line with these unfuckables:

No surprises, really. It would take a lot more than alcohol for me to put out for these charmers. I'm talking millions and millions of dollars, probably followed by years and years of therapy. Except for Mr. Cage. There's no way in hell that would ever happen. Ever.

Enough real people. Bring on the cartoon hotties!!! This works the same way as it does with real people, for the most part. I guess the major difference is that I actually have a shot with Chris Pine (a very miniscule shot), while I will only ever have a shot at sexy time with Prince Eric in my dreams. Because he's not real. And I'm not sure if he even has a penis. Part of me thinks that cartoons (especially the Disney ones) would look like Ken dolls if they pulled their pants down. Anyway, that's not important. The point is that if he were real (or I guess if I were a cartoon), we would get it on somehow. Because he's smokin' hot, as are his two Disney compadres:

Yep, Disney knows how to draw 'em hot. And now for our get-me-tipsy-first cast of characters:
I freakin' love Yu Gi Oh. With a happy little nudge from a drink or two, I would be all over these fellows. Heart of the cards, guide me indeed (right into their pants!). I would just have to be careful not to get poked by the pharaoh's hair- I mean, I'm assuming the carpet matches the drapes. And now onto cartoons that are only hot when I'm absolutely sloshed.
Before you judge me, let's take a careful look at these cartoons. I know that they look like animals, but really they act more like people. Simba is voiced by the adorable Matthew Broderick, and just look at that dashing silky hair. You can't tell me that he also wouldn't be a very good spooner. Then there's Raphael- do you see those muscles!? And the Beast- well I'm sure he's a beast in bed.

And now our last bunch of cartoons. No amount of alcohol could ever tempt me.
Frollo and Squidward for obvious reasons. And then there's the nameless prince that the Beast transforms into after Belle confesses her love. It's not that he's terribly ugly - he was just, so...disappointing. We grew to love the Beast, and then he turned into that. A pea-brained prissy with a weird nose, Angelina Jolie lips, and hair that's verging on a mullet. I hate him.

1 comment:

Der Orgelspieler said...

I am so glad you included my single contribution to the cartoon hotties list. Yay for Philip!