Saturday, April 9, 2011

Momma Tyra and Horse Love

Lousy Parenting
If Tyra Banks
Sent you a care package
It would contain exactly one
And Vaseline.

I am a faithful ANTM watcher. I am fascinated by the the creature that is Miss Tyra Banks, who, btw, is living in the Harvard dorms right now while she goes to business school- I am very very tempted to go hang around campus and see if she will be my friend. 

I am a less faithful watcher of her talk show, though it is equally fascinating. And by "fascinating," I don't mean that it's inspiring, educational, profound, or moving in any way. I mean that it's disturbing yet intriguing- like watching horses going at it. It's weird and kind of disgusting, but you just can't look away.

Anyway- here's part of the inspiration behind my drunk poem:
To her credit, I think she may be completely drunk in this video, so I can relate. But even when she is not possibly drunk, she is still a deranged lunatic:
In case you are still not convinced:
Like I said, fascinating.

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